If your question isn’t answered and you want to speak to a member of our
team, we're on hand to help.
The fastest way to contact us is by simply sending an email to info@whistleandwag.co.uk with your query. Our Customer Success agents are very quick to respond and won't keep you waiting.
Alternatively, you can complete the contact form below providing a short description of your query. One of our Customer Success agents will swiftly respond via the email address you provided.
We also offer a unique call back service for those customers that need to talk over the phone. No call waiting queues, simply leave your phone number and a suitable time for us to give you a call. We would be extremely grateful if you could give us a thorough description of your query so that we can forward it to the right team for them to contact you.
Yes. Unless your pet was insured by another insurer up to the start date of your policy, a period of 5 days from the start date for an injury that occurs or shows signs or symptoms; or 14 days from the policy start date for all other sections of covers will apply.
Health Booster which specifically covers Take-Home Medication is often added by clients.
Take-Home Medication Cover covers the cost of medication administered outside the vet (medication taken home from the vet or ordered online).
Dental cover related to accidents is already included in your policy. The Dental Booster provides enhanced dental cover which covers dental claims related to illness. Subject to terms and conditions in your policy documents.